Terms and Definitions
Browse our glossary of insurance terms and definitions to give you the knowledge and to better understand your policy and other important information about all types of insurance.
Additional Interest or Additional Insured
A company or person who has been named as an additional interest insured on a policy can be liable for an accident that involves an insured person or vehicle. For example, a lienholder can be an additional interest insured.
A representative of your insurance company who investigates your insurance claim. After investigating the claim, they’ll determine if the claim is covered, and if so, how much you’ll be paid.
A qualified expert that’s licensed to sell insurance on behalf of an insurance company.
Anti-Theft Device
A device, either active or passive, that attempts to prevent vehicle theft. Active anti-theft devices can track and recover a vehicle and automatically contact a response center to begin the vehicle recovery process. Passive anti-theft devices attempt to prevent theft by using sophisticated electronic car alarms, simple steering wheel locks, etc.
The form you fill out with information about you. An insurance company will use this to decide if they should issue a policy and how much your rate will be.
A professional assessment of your property to determine its value. Appraisals are conducted to determine the value of your expensive possessions, like jewelry or antiques, in order to purchase adequate coverage. An appraisal can also be done after a loss to determine the extent of damage.
Bodily Injury Liability Coverage (BI)
If an insured person is legally liable for an accident, BI coverage pays for injuries/death to people involved in the accident other than the insured driver. BI also pays for legal defense costs if you are sued. Certain exclusions may apply. Refer to your policy.
The termination of your insurance policy during the policy term.
A Claim is when you make a request to your insurance company to pay you after a loss. If your insurance company validates the claim, you’ll be issued a payment.
Collision Coverage
When your insured vehicle overturns or collides with another object, Collision coverage pays for the damage to your vehicle. Collision coverage also may extend to a non-owned vehicle or one rented for personal use that is in your custody or that you are operating. Certain exclusions may apply. Refer to your policy.
Comprehensive Coverage
If your insured vehicle is damaged due to an event other than a collision, Comprehensive coverage will pay for the damage. This includes damages from fire, theft, windstorm, flood and vandalism. If your vehicle is stolen, Comprehensive covers transportation and loss of use expenses when applicable.
Continuously Insured
Being continuously insured means your insurance coverage from an insurer or more than one insurer was in effect at all times, without a break or lapse in coverage for any reason.